Housing Resources

Resources for Home Owners and Landlords:

https://cdxapps.epa.gov/ocspp-oppt-lead/firm-location-search (EPA website)

FOR HOMEOWNERS OUTSIDE THE CITY OF WATERTOWN:  Neighbors Of Watertown, Inc. Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program provides financial assistance to help owner occupants make needed improvements to their homes. Without this help, many of these properties would fall below acceptable levels of habitability.

Program criteria include:

  • The applicant must own the home
  • The home must be the applicants place of residence.
  • The home must be located in Jefferson County (excluding the city of Watertown)
  • The work must bring the home to meet housing quality standards.
  • Income eligibility may apply and may vary between programs.

Neighbors uses several Local, Regional, State and Federal sources to fund this program. Rules, guidelines, eligibility, and grant amounts vary between sources.  Click here for more information: https://www.neighborsofwatertown.com/housing-programs/county-wide-owner-occupied-home-rehabilitation-program.html

FOR HOME OWNERS IN THE CITY OF WATERTOWN: Neighbors Of Watertown, Inc. Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program provides financial assistance to help owner occupants make needed improvements to their homes. Without this help, many of these properties would fall below acceptable levels of habitability.

Program criteria include:
  • The applicant must own the home
  • The home must be the applicants place of residence.
  • The home must be located in the city of Watertown.
  • The work must bring the home to meet housing quality & standards.
  • Income eligibility may apply and may vary between programs.

Neighbors uses several Local, Regional, State and Federal sources to fund this program. Rules, guidelines, eligibility, and grant amounts vary between sources. Neighbors Of Watertown has various owner occupied housing rehabilitation programs covering the city of Watertown.

Eligibility is determined by criteria published for each individual program.  Click here for more information: https://www.neighborsofwatertown.com/housing-programs/city-wide-owner-occupied-home-rehabilitation-program.html

Leading In Lead:  https://hcr.ny.gov/leading-lead-prevention-pilot-program

FOR HOMEOWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF Brownville, Lyme, Hounsfield, Henderson, Adams, Ellisburg, Rodman, Lorraine or Worth:  Frontier Housing Corporation's Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program provides financial assistance to help owner occupants make needed improvements to their homes.  

Program criteria include:
  • The applicant must own the home
  • The home must be the applicants place of residence.
  • The applicant must be income eligible. Income guidelines may vary between programs
  • The work must bring the home to meet housing quality & standards.
  • The home must be located in one of the above townships within Jefferson County

FOR HOMEOWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF TOWNSHIPS of Alexandria, Antwerp, Cape Vincent, Clayton, Orleans, Pamelia, Philadelphia, Theresa, WilnaThe Clayton Improvement Association, LTD. has been awarded a HUD North Country HOME Consortium Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Grant to improve single-family owner occupied eligible households in the Towns of Alexandria, Antwerp, Cape Vincent, Clayton, Orleans, Pamelia, Philadelphia, Theresa, Wilna and the hamlets contained within. Applicant must meet income criteria to be eligible.

Program criteria include:

To qualify for this program you must live in the Towns of Alexandria, Antwerp, Cape Vincent, Clayton, LeRay, Orleans, Pamelia, Philadelphia, Theresa, Wilna. Your home must be your primary residence.  

You must have clear title to your home. Ownership can be proven through a fee simple title, documented life us of the property, 99 year leasehold or
 ownership/membership in a cooperative. Clear title also includes that there are no restrictions or encumbrances that would unduly restrict the marketability of the property. A land contract may be used as proof of ownership when it has been filed and recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk. 

All taxes on the property must be current and the property must be fully insured. You will need proof of these two items.

Your income must meet eligibility requirements.  For more information: http://www.clayton-improvement.com/housing-programs/

FOR LANDLORDS IN THE CITY OF WATERTOWN WITH RENTAL APRTMENTS WITH TENANTS:  The Neighbors Of Watertown, Inc Rental Housing Rehabilitation Program's purpose is to improve the City of Watertown by promoting repair and rehabilitation of the existing housing stock. The primary objective is to eliminate any conditions that might become hazardous to the health or safety of the occupants of homes throughout the city. Insulation and weatherization and other repairs or improvements will also be encouraged. 

Assistance is available to help pay the cost of eligible improvements in rental apartments with tenants who qualify as lower income (household income below 60% of median.) Applications must be filed by the property owner. Proof of ownership will be required in the form of a deed or land contract that is recorded in the office of the County Clerk. Applicants must secure adequate insurance for the property before any work is done under this program. In addition, all real estate taxes must be paid and charges for all other public services (water & sewer) must be current for the property where improvements are being considered and all other properties owned by the applicant in the City of Watertown.

Program criteria include:
  • The applicant must own the rental property.
  • The rental property must be located in the city of Watertown.
  • The work must bring the apartment building to meet codes and housing quality standards.
  • The owner will be required to repay at least 50% of the cost of improvement.

For more information: https://www.neighborsofwatertown.com/housing-programs/buy-rehab-resell-housing-rehabilitation-program.html 

RURAL HOMEOWNERS AND LANDLORDS:  The USDA Rural Development helps rural residents buy or rent safe, affordable housing and make health and safety repairs to their homes through a variety of loans and grant programs.   https://www.rd.usda.gov/ny