Community Services Board

Community Services Board

One of the primary responsibilities of the LGU under Article 41 of the Mental Hygiene Law (MHL) is to develop and annually submit a Local Services Plan (LSP) to each NYS mental hygiene agency. The Mental Hygiene Agencies are the Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS), the Office of Mental Health (OMH) and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).  The LSP establishes the local priorities, needs and outcomes for the LGU in the coming year and the metrics used to measure the outcome.  The local plans are approved by the LGU’s Community Services Board and are subsequently submitted, approved and “certified” by the state agencies. 

Membership shall include fifteen members; whenever practical, a licensed physician, a licensed psychologist, but at least two (2) members shall be licensed physicians, and a demonstrated interest in the field of services for the mentally disabled. There are three (3) subcommittees, which report to the Community Services Board. The Mental Health Subcommittee shall have no more than eleven (11) members; the Developmental Disabilities, and the Alcohol/Substance Abuse Subcommittees shall have no more than nine (9) members. Of the eleven (11) on the Mental Health Subcommittee, two (2) shall be recipients of mental health services and two (2) shall be family members of recipients. Three (3) members of each subcommittee shall be members of the Community Services Board. 

Letters of Support

In an effort to ensure fairness, transparency, and efficiency, agencies desiring a Letter of Support need to make the request in writing (email is sufficient) to the DCS.  All requests should provide enough detail to adequately explain the program being developed/applied for, a brief statement of need from a county or regional perspective, and speak to the ability of the requesting agency to successfully implement and maintain the desired programming. A due date for the letter must be clearly indicated in the request.

Upon receipt of the request, the DCS will forward it to the Chair of the CSB as well as the Chair of each of the 3 subcommittees.  If there is not enough time for the agency to present to the full CSB for approval, the 4 Chairs will make the determination based on the information submitted and inform the DCS as to whether the letter can be provided.  If there is adequate time to present to the CSB, the full CSB will vote on the request.   

Community Services Board (Full Board):

Christina O'Neil, Chair 

Pat Fontana, Vice Chair

Maureen Cean

Jennifer Draper

Jennifer Lachenauer

Joey Marie Horton

Aileen Martin

John Peck

Karen Marcum

Col. Kevin Vogt

Stephen Kowalick

Molly Smith

Michelle McElroy

Dr. Sarah Delaney-Rowland

Mental Health Subcommittee:

Jennifer Lachenauer, Chair

Aileen Martin

Christina O'Neil

Susan Lara-Gonzalez

Brooke Roes

Randy Fipps

Substance Abuse Subcommittee:

Maureen Cean, Chair

Pat Fontana

Joey Marie Horton

Kelly Wright

Stephen Kowalick

Michelle McElroy

Developmental Disabilities Subcommittee:

Jennifer Draper, Chair

Tina Cummings

Mike Lively

Col. Kevin Vogt

Molly Smith