
Last Revised: 09/2023

Beware Third Party sites offering to process your application! Passports can ONLY be processed at authorized passport facilities, and payments for your application should only be made payable to the US Dept of State. Please see the Fee Chart below for fees authorized to be charged by Acceptance Facility. Forms can be obtained from our office or from the website for FREE. 

United States Passport Applications can be processed in our office by appointment only at For Adults U.S. Passports are good for 10 years, and a passport for a child under the age of 16 is good for 5 years.  For more information contact the U.S. Department of state at  or by calling 1-877-4USAPPT.  You may also contact our office at (315)785-3200, Option 2.   

Which Form Do I Use?  (These forms are available for FREE in our office, or can be downloaded by clicking on the form numbers below)

  **All applications MUST be completed in black ink only!**  

Form DS-11   - This form is used for first time applicants, or for individuals renewing that were under the age of 16 when their passport was issued. 

Form DS-82   - This form is used for applicants who are in possession of their most recent passport that was issued less than 15 years ago. *Please note Renewals are not processed in our office. You must mail them to the address specified on the application form*

Form DS-5504   - This form is used for applicants needing a name change, or to correct a printing error. If changing your name, you may only use this form if the change occurred within one year of the passport being issued.  There is no time limit when correcting a printing error. 

What Do I Need To Bring?  

 1.  Passport Photo  - 2" x 2", Further Requirements are located on page two of the application form. Our office offers Photos for $15.00 per person.

 2.  Proof of Citizenship 

 1.  Original or Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate, plus one copy that is not double-sided. This must have a raised seal, and bear a filing date within one year of the birth. Also, as of April 2011, the Department of State requires that any Birth Certificate submitted for obtaining a passport list the applicants parent's names. 

 2.  Previous Passport (Children under 16 must also submit an original or certified copy of their Birth Certificate) 

 3.  Original Naturalization Papers, plus one copy that is not double-sided. 

  3. Valid Photo ID  - Must have a signature. 

*Please note that these documents will be mailed to the Department of State with your Application. They will be returned to you after the process is completed.*          

**Copies of your identification and citizenship documents are required.   If you are preparing your own copies, please know that they must be legible and cannot be double-sided.**   

Requirements For Children:  

 Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by both parents. Each parent must have a valid photo ID, and the child's Birth Certificate must state the parents names. If both parents are unable to appear, please contact the U.S. Department of State, or our office for information on how to proceed. For minors 16 or 17 years of age, only one parent must appear. 


U.S. Passport Fees: New Applications & Minor Renewals

What are you applying for?

Use Form

Application FeeĀ¹

Acceptance FeeĀ²

Adult Passport Book



$  35.00

Adult Passport Card


$  30.00

$  35.00

Adult Passport Book & Card



$  35.00

Minor Passport Book



$  35.00

Minor Passport Card


$  15.00

$  35.00

Minor Passport Book & Card



$  35.00





U.S. Passport Fees: Adult Renewals

What are you renewing?

Use Form

Application FeeĀ³

Acceptance FeeĀ³

Adult Passport Book



No Fee

Adult Passport Card


$  30.00

No Fee

Adult Passport Book & Card



No Fee





Additional Fees: Paid to the Jefferson County Clerkā€™s OfficeĀ²

Passport Photo

Per person

$  15.00

I.D. & Citizenship Copies

Per copy

$    1.00

Ā¹Application Fees:  Need to be paid with a Check or Money Order made payable to ā€œU.S. Dept. of Stateā€

  • Can submit one check for family applications.

Ā²Acceptance Fees/Additional Fees:  Can be paid with Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Card (Visa, MC and American Express).

  • Check or Money Orders need to be made payable to ā€œJefferson County Clerkā€™s Officeā€  

Ā³Renewals Note:  You MUST renew if it is within 15 years of your previous passport issue date AND  

  • You were 16 or older the last time you applied  
  • Was printed in your current name  
    • Unless you are able to provide a marriage cert. or name change decree        
  • Your current passport is in acceptable condition
  • Check or money order needs to be made payable to ā€œU.S. Dept. of Stateā€  

 We would be pleased to check your renewal form, at no charge before you mail it to the passport agency.  

When Will I Receive My Passport?  

Processing times for Passports are constantly changing, so you will want to go to for the most up to date information. The proof of citizenship documentation that you submitted with your passport application will also arrive within this time frame. Please keep in mind however, that your passport and your documentation may come in separate envelopes. If you need your passport sooner, you may expedite the process for an additional $60.00. With this service, you can expect to receive your passport within two to three weeks. Applicants needing a passport sooner than this should contact the U.S. Department of State. 


Gizelle J. Meeks

Jefferson County Clerk

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