Scam Alerts

Scam Alerts!

Tax Resolution Unit

There are Scam Letters circulating throughout New York State claiming to be from the Tax Resolution Unit from your Counties Public Judgment Records department. These letters claim that taxes are due as a "Distraint Warrant" has been issued. Do not respond to these letters, however they can be reported to the NYS Tax Department by phone 518-451-1566 or email

You can view examples of these letters below:

Military Discharge

Veterans in the state have been receiving notices in the mail stating that copies of their DD-214's can be obtained for exorbitant amounts of up to $119.00 per copy. In accordance with Military Law §250, Any certificate of the honorable separation from or service in the armed forces of the United States of any veteran, may be recorded in the office of the county clerk without charge. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to furnish without charge to any veteran, or parent, spouse, dependent or child of the veteran, a certified copy of the certificate of the veteran so recorded in the office of the county clerk. No filed certificate or any information contained therein, shall be disclosed to any person except the veteran or parent, spouse, dependent or child of the veteran, representative of the estate of the deceased veteran or a public official, acting within the scope of his or her employment, unless such disclosure is authorized in writing by the veteran.

If your DD-214 has not yet been filed, the document just needs to be submitted to our office with a self-addressed stamped envelope and our clerk's will file the document and return the original once verified. If you have any questions about this process you can contact our office at any time.

Home Warranty

Below is the link to a letter that was received by a constituent of Jefferson County. This letter is demanding payment to extend the properties Home Warranty. If you receive a letter like this do not call the number and give your payment information over the phone as this is a scam.


Gizelle J. Meeks

Jefferson County Clerk

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