Workforce Related Reports

 Workforce Reports & Information

Below is a list of workforce related reports for Jefferson & Lewis counties.  

The NYATEP State of the Workforce reports are from the New York Association of Training & Employment Professionals.  This organization gives local workforce areas guidance and support to provide the services we do.  For more information on NYATEP, you can visit their website at     

2023 NYATEP State of the Workforce Report 

2023 Lewis County Needs Assessment

NYATEP 2022 State of the Workforce Report.pdf 

2021 Community Needs Assessment for Jefferson County 

2021 NYATEP State of the Workforce Report 

ALICE 2020 Report

What is ALICE, 2020 Information Report

2019 Community Needs Assessment for Jefferson County

2019 NYATEP State of the Workforce Report 

2017 North Country Regional Economic Development Council Workforce Survey Booklet