If you are in need of funds to assist you with buying or rehabilitating a home, you should contact one of the local housing agencies that specialize in these activities. The agencies are partially funded by grants, so their programs may change on a yearly basis depending on what funding is available at the time. The most common programs are home rehabilitation assistance and first time home buyer assistance. All programs require the participants to be income eligible.
Neighbors of Watertown
In addition to housing assistance, Neighbors also offers a homebuyer education class for first time home buyers. Contact their office for more information.
North Jefferson Improvement Association
Frontier Housing Corporation
North Country Affordable Housing
Community Action Planning Council
The Community Action Planning Council also acts as Jefferson County's Fair Housing Office. If you feel you have been the victim of discrimination, assistance is available in filing a complaint. For further information regarding Housing Rights, call CAPC.
If you are looking for information on rent assistance, you may contact:
Lewis County Opportunities Watertown Office
749 LeRay Street
Watertown, NY
Lewis County Opportunities can provide rental subsidies in Jefferson County through the HUD Section 8 voucher program. The subsidies provide the means for low income families, the elderly and disabled to obtain decent, safe, affordable housing.
For more information on the HUD Section 8 program, click here .
HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)
HEAP is a federally funded program that issues heating benefits to supplement a household’s annual energy fund.
For more information, visit the Office of Temporary Disability Assistance .
Or call:
Jefferson County Department of Social Services
If you’re age 60 or older, you may apply for the program through:
Jefferson County Office for the Aging
For other housing related questions, please call HUD directly.
HUD Buffalo 716-551-5755
HUD Albany 518-464-4200
HUD Storefront (Syracuse) 315-477-0616