Spike Decker , Superintendent
195 Arsenal Street
Watertown, New York 13601
Buildings & Grounds
Phone: (315)785-5137
Fax: (315)785-5136
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (315)785-3090
Fax: (315)785-5136
Department Overview
The Buildings & Grounds Department is responsible for the general maintenance, overall upkeep and security of County owned buildings totaling over 537,000 square feet. Established by Local Law #2 of 1993, the department has evolved into a full service, nearly self sufficient department performing all HVAC repairs and mid-size renovation projects as well as preventive and general maintenance. Security is provided to our buildings seven days a week via fixed post guards during the day and roving watchmen at night. The unique roll of our department is unlike any other. In addition to everyday general maintenance, we work very closely with every other county department to determine their needs, make necessary repairs and renovations which often results in increasing efficiency within these departments. The department also serves as the custodian of the Capital Plan as it pertains to the improvement of County owned buildings and grounds.