General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: (315) 785-3371
Emergencies: Dial 911
175 Arsenal Street
Seventh Floor

Jefferson County Courts Contact Information

Superior Court Contact Information 

Contact Information
Meeting Time(s)
Jefferson County Court

Jefferson County Court Complex
163 Arsenal Street - Second Floor
Watertown, NY 13601
(315) 570-2950
Fax: (315) 266-4778

Monday through Friday
(9:00 AM)

Watertown City Court

Watertown City Hall
 245 Washington Street
 Watertown, NY 13601
 (315) 570-2720
 Fax: (315) 266-4783

Monday through Friday
(9:00 AM)

Local Justice Court Contact Information

Contact Information
Date(s) Assistant District Attorney Present
Town of Adams

3 South Main Street
P.O. Box 176
 Adams, NY 13605
 (315) 232-2467
 Fax: (315) 232-3596

Last Wednesday of the Month
(3:00 PM)
Town of Alexandria

46372 County Route 1
 P.O. Box 130
 Alexandria Bay, NY 13607
 (315) 482-9637
 Fax: (315) 482-8623

Third Tuesday of the Month
(5:00 PM)
Town of Antwerp

 45 Main Street
 Antwerp, NY 13608
 (315) 659-8989
 Fax: (315) 659-8671

Last Tuesday of the Month
(6:30 PM)

Town of Brownville

16431 Star School House Road
 Dexter, NY 13634
 (315) 639-6266
 Fax: (315) 639-3951

First Thursday of the Month

(6:00 PM)

Town of Cape Vincent

1694 NYS Route 12E
 P.O. Box 680
 Cape Vincent, NY 13618
 (315) 654-3883
 Fax: (315) 654-3366

Third Tuesday of the Month

(4:00 PM)

Village of Carthage

120 South Mechanic Street
 Carthage, NY 13619
 (315) 493-2890
 Fax: (315) 493-3485

Last Tuesday of the Month
(3:00 PM)
Town of Champion

10 North Broad Street
 Carthage, NY 13619
 (315) 493-2687
 Fax: (315) 493-2687 (Extension 51)

Second Thursday of the Month
(3:00 PM)
Town of Clayton

401 Mary Street
Clayton, NY 13624
 (315) 686-2427
 Fax: (315) 686-2427 (Extension 11)

First Tuesday of the Month
(4:30 PM)
Town of Ellisburg

South Main Street
 P.O. Box 112
 Ellisburg, NY 13636
 (315) 846-5138 (Extension 25)
 Fax: (315) 846-5072

First Wednesday of the Month
(3:00 PM)
Town of Henderson

12105 Town Barn Road
 P.O. Box 259
 Henderson, NY 13650
 (315) 938-5542 (Extension 26)
 Fax: (315) 938-9278

First Monday of the Month
(4:00 PM)
Town of Hounsfield

411 West Washington Street
 P.O. Box 306
 Sackets Harbor, NY 13685
(315) 646-2767
(315) 646-2741
 Fax: (315) 646-2749

Last Tuesday of the Month
(3:00 PM)
Town of LeRay

8650 LeRay Street
 Evans Mills, NY 13637-3191
 (315) 629-0228
 Fax: (315) 629-0433

Second and Fourth Wednesdays of the Month
(11:00 AM)
Town of Lorraine

17676 County Route 189
 P.O. Box 52
 Lorraine, NY 13659
 (315) 232-2548
 Fax: (315) 232-2548

Second Tuesday of the Month
(5:00 PM)
Town of Lyme

12175 NYS Route 12E
 P.O. Box 66
 Chaumont, NY 13622
 (315) 649-2788
 Fax: (315) 649-2049 (Unsecured)

Second Monday of the Month
(6:30 PM)
Town of Orleans

20558 Sunrise Avenue
 P.O. Box 206
 LaFargeville, NY 13656
 (315) 658-2272
 Fax: (315) 658-2065

First Tuesday of the Month
(5:00 PM)
Town of Pamelia

25859 NYS Route 37
 Watertown, NY 13601
 (315) 785-9794
 Fax: (315) 788-0789

First and Second Thursdays of the Month
(3:00 PM)
Town of Philadelphia
33019 U.S. Route 11
 P.O. Box 387
 Philadelphia, NY 13673
 (315) 642-3421
 Fax: (315) 642-5742

Last Wednesday of the Month
(6:00 PM)
Town of Rodman
12509 School Road
P.O. Box 431
Rodman, NY 13682
 (315) 232-2522
 Fax: (315) 232-3853

First Thursday of the Month
(7:00 PM)
Town of Rutland

28411 N.Y.S. Route 126
 Black River, NY 13612
 (315) 788-3440
 Fax: (315) 788-3446

Third Tuesday of the Month
(10:00 AM)
Town of Theresa

215 Riverside Avenue
 P.O. Box 675
 Theresa, NY 13691
 (315) 628-4148
 Fax: (315) 628-5943

Last Wednesday of the Month
(6:00 PM)
Town of Watertown

22869 County Route 67
 Watertown, NY 13601
 (315) 782-0412
 Fax: (315) 755-0755

Every Thursday
(9:00 AM)
Town of Wilna

120 South Mechanic Street
 Carthage, NY 13619
 (315) 493-2890
 Fax: (315) 493-3485

First Thursday of the Month
(5:00 PM)
Town of Worth

17676 County Route 189
 P.O. Box 52
 Lorraine, NY 13659
 (315) 232-2548
 Fax: (315) 232-2548
(Combined with Town of Lorraine)

Second Tuesday of the Month
(5:00 PM)