Lead is a metal that can cause negative health effects. Lead can harm a child's growth, behavior and ability to learn. It can also cause anemia, kidney damage and hearing loss. Studies show that no amount of lead exposure is safe for children. Lead can be found in dust (usually from old lead paint), water, soil, from certain jobs or hobbies, or other sources. In NYS, health care providers must assess children 6 months to 6 years of age for risk of lead exposure and to determine if your child needs a lead test. In addition, health care providers must test all children at age 1 and again at age 2 for lead poisoning. Lead can also harm pregnant women and their developing baby. If you are pregnant, talk to your provider about lead testing. We offer lead screening at our office. Call 315-786-3700 to make an appointment.
Lead poisoning is preventable.
FDA Investigation of Elevated Lead Levels: Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches (11/22/23)
FDA Alert, 03/06/24: Cinnamon Products Containing Elevated Levels of Lead
Lead Housing Assessment Referral: This program will provide education, resources and a housing assessment to identify lead paint dangers in homes owned and rented in the City of Watertown.
1. Home is in the City of Watertown, NY.
2. Home is occupied at least 8 hours a day by a pregnant woman and/or children age 6 years or younger.
3. Occupant consents to a home visit and housing assessment.
Lead Abatement Worker Training Course
We are hosting an EPA Lead Abatement Worker Training provided by Eco-Testing Services, LLC. Abatement workers may conduct abatement activities under the direction of certified abatement supervisors. It is a 2 day course and offered at no cost. Space is limited, so registration is required by calling us at 315-786-3700. For more information about Lead Abatement, please visit the EPA Lead-Based Paint Abatement & Evaluation Program website.
Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Training Course
We host EPA Lead-Safe RRP Training Courses here at JCPHS provided by Flatley Read, Inc. These trainings are open to homeowners, property owners/managers, contractors & their employees, etc. in Jefferson County. The course is 8 hours and offered at no-cost. Space is limited, so registration is required by calling us at 315-786-3700. For more information about RRP, please visit the EPA RRP webpage.
Coming Soon! Lead Rental Registry in the City of Watertown.
What Your Child's Blood Lead Test Means
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Recall List (includes products containing lead)
Recalls of Children's Products, Foods, Cosmetics, and Medicines Due to Lead Hazards
Cornell Cooperative Extension Nutrition Programming
NYSDOH Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention website
Protect Your Tap: A Quick Check for Lead (drinking water)
EPA Guide: Steps to LEAD SAFE Renovation, Repair and Painting
Find a Certified Renovation and Lead Dust Wipe Sampling Technician
EPA: Renovate Lead Safe Fact Sheet