School Resource Officer
The role of the School Resource Officer is to create a safe environment for students, school officials and visitors as well as to provide counseling, mediation and education on a variety of issues. The School Resource Officer establishes a unique partnership between the Law Enforcement Community, School District and Local Community.
The duties of the SRO consist of:
Law Enforcement Officer
Enhance the education process by becoming a positive role model
Involved in both prevention and intervention of criminal activity on campus
Assists in planning for crisis response and prevention in the entire school district
The following is a list of classes that are available to the students of the District:
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Child Abuse
Criminal Justice System
Law Enforcement Careers
Domestic Violence
Dating Violence
Bullying Program
Internet Safety / Sexting
Suicide Prevention
Halloween Safety
Stranger Danger
Driver Education
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer provides services to the eight facilities, 3885 students, and 625 faculty members of the Indian River School District.
The eight facilities consists of:
Antwerp Primary
Calcium Primary
Evans Mills Primary
Philadelphia Primary
Theresa Primary
Indian River Intermediate School
Indian River Middle School
Indian River High School